Parents and students should check attendance regularly by simply logging on to their Skyward Family Access account. Each student at RAHS should be in every class or study hall for which he/she has scheduled each day school is in session. We have a closed-campus lunch (except for seniors).
Student Absence, Tardy, Leaving Early
If your student is going to be absent, tardy, or leaving early, please contact the Reedsburg Area High School before 9:00 a.m at (608) 768-8928 option 3 or email If you send a note with your student, have them bring it to the office.
Excuses for early dismissal should state the student’s full name, the date, the reason, and the time the student will leave school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass from the high school office before school or at lunch for early dismissal.
Parents do NOT need to come into school to pick up students. If the student returns to school that same day, he/she must check in upon return.
Students that are chronically tardy to school will be considered truant from school. A student is considered a habitual truant if he or she is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five (5) or more days on which school is held during a school semester. Open Enrollment status may be revoked at the end of a semester or year for open enrolled students who reach habitual truancy status.
It is important for all RAHS students to establish a positive attendance record. Absence from school, whether excused or unexcused, often has an adverse effect upon a student’s academic progress. Learning takes place in many ways and places, and the best policy is to be in the right place at the right time. The learning atmosphere in a classroom is such that optimum conditions for education should result in the student. The exact situations, demonstrations, and activities can never be repeated for those pupils who miss a class or day of school. Substitute assignments for time missed will help, but keep in mind they are just that, substitute assignments. Each student at RAHS should be in every class or study hall for which he/she has scheduled each day school is in session.
More Information
If you have questions, please contact Mikaela Tourdot, Attendance Administrative Assistant, at (608) 768-8928 Ext. 1101.