What is ACP?
ACP stands for Academic and Career Planning and is required for full implementation in grades six through twelve for the 2017-2018 school year. The Department of Public Instruction defines ACP as both:
An ongoing process to actively engage students to:
develop an understanding of his or her self
create a vision of his or her future
develop individual goals
prepare a personal plan for achieving the vision and goals; and
A product that documents and reflects students’:
coursework, learning and assessment results
post-secondary plans aligned to career goals and a financial reality
record of college and career readiness skills.
Through this student driven process, students will discover more about themselves, their futures and their short-term and long-term goals. The end product is a plan to help steer students in the direction they have set for themselves. It should entail coursework, post-secondary plans, and record of college and career readiness skills.
The reasoning behind ACP is to assist students in becoming college and career ready. Students will go through four stages of learning more about themselves: learning to know themselves better, exploring where they want to go, creating a plan in getting there, and putting that plan into action (Go!). The intention is not to create one plan and stick to it rigorously, but to continue to update and revise as personal interests, skills, talents and awareness changes.
ACP is intended to equip students and their families with the tools necessary to make more informed choices about postsecondary education and training as it leads to careers.
Documents outlining Reedsburg ACP activities are located on the middle and high school websites. We encourage you to read the various documents and reach out if you want to learn more or have any questions! More information can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's ACP web page.
For more information or any questions please inquire using the contact information found below:
Cathy Mindham
District ACP Contact / School Counselor
(608) 768-8930 Ext. 2105
Jeff Bindl
Director of Special Education and Pupil Services
(608) 524-2016 Ext. 2020