Know your options if you are planning to join the workforce after graduation. Here are several steps to help prepare you:
- Research available jobs in which you are interested and develop your professional skills.
- Will the wage and benefit package fulfill your needs and budget? The Family Budget Calculator can help you plan for your expenses and cost of living in your area.
- Carefully complete job applications, write cover letters, and submit resumes. Neatness, clarity and accuracy matter!
- Build a reference list of people with whom you are not related. Speak to your references beforehand and make sure that they can provide positive and honest feedback about you.
- Secure reliable public or private transportation to and from your workplace.
- Pursue on-the-job training options.
There are many resources available to help you look for a job, complete quality applications and resumes, obtain job training, and more. In addition to information on the RAHS Counseling website pages, below are additional links to several online resources. Many other resources are available at the public library, local job centers and employment agencies, newspapers, and more.